Greetings Rebels!
Facebook users have been exposing racism...with racism! I'm so proud of these young rebels and rebelettes it makes me cry fat chunky tears all over my big moustache!
These cheeky rulebreakers are fighting dirty- like a rebel should! By directly discriminating against UKIP members based on the colour of their skin, these bold activists are showing the old fogeys whose side the times are on. Crawl back in your holes, UKIP! You are yesterday's news!
The wit and panache with which they portray a pensioner, who is so old and blind that he needs a magnifying glass to type, is commendable. Who knew that racism could be so funny when directed against old, white men? Hilarious!
On a serious note, I know how devious these old croaks can be. After all, I used to be one before I became a rebel. Of course, these digital rebels don't think of themselves as white, as rebellion exempts you from that stinky old race.
I'm sure that in years to come, these youngsters will look back on this time and say, "Yes - I did well there." Hurrah for them!
The genius of this approach to rebellion is that it reinforces what we already know. Everybody knows that everyone born before 1960 is basically racist. For anyone who is confused about this, I have prepared a handy timeline. Toodle Pip!
Sources: Twitter (#WhyImVotingUKIP), UKIP Exposed (facebook group)
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