Rebels - I have just received a communication from rebellious organisation Avaaz, with a startling message. Apparently a NEW ICE AGE is imminent, poised to happen WITHIN 6 MONTHS. According to Avaaz, we have reached a "tipping point" and soon the planet could "unleash an army of apartment-building-size ice blocks across Europe and the United States".
Apparently, a reputable Scientist (who for some reason has not been named) has christened this "Our Holy Shit moment". Good to hear a scientist talking like a rebel instead of droning on about graphs and figures!
The good news is, according to Avaaz, if we all work together, we can somehow stop this.
We may not have been able to stop the last Ice Age but we can stop this one. After all, we've got the Internet now!
Ok, Avaaz haven't exactly shown how this will work. But that's because there isn't time! Because of the urgency, there is no time to sit down and work out whether this is objectively true or not. There is only time to put trust in our politicians and hope that everything turns out fine.
I have been assured that, far from being a futile gesture designed to manipulate gullible idiots, its actually TRUE. All I can say is Hurrah!
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