Greetings Rebels,
I have just learned some very disappointing news. One of our number, the writer and former anarchist William Powell, was for many years a great soldier for our cause. His masterpiece The Anarchist Cookbook has inspired many a rebel down the years, containing as it does, instructions on how to make home made explosives. Oh what would rebels have done without it? Every time we go on a jolly killing spree, we always take a copy with us.
But this week, Powell, the dreaded apostate, has campaigned for the book to be taken out of print. Shame on you, Michael! Not only that, I have even heard that he has embraced Anglican Christianity!!! This is very disappointing and a real blow for the Great Rebellion.
I can only hope that Paul McCartney will set fire to a monastery, in order to redress the balance.
Yours in rebellion,
Major Gripes